Man has always wondered about the trace, the mark, in a way the imprint that he will leave on earth. And for a very long time, his tomb had been the last trace he wanted to leave. Appearing at the end of the Middle Ages, the recubemt effigies or effigy tombs represent an intermediary moment between life and death, an ideal of the survival of the Spirit over the body, represented in all its poverty, emaciated, already bearing the stigmata of death, sometimes wrapped in a shroud. 
This series revisits the recubemt effigies, a funerary art, with the technique of the imprint.
"Whoever you are, you will be struck down by death.
 Stay there, beware, weep. 
I am what you will be, ashes. 
Beg, pray for me. »
 Inscription above an effigy tomb in the church of Gisors, France.


Toi Et Moi 130x195 2013
Le Conseil 195x130 2011
Radiographie L 195x130 2012
Les Gisants IV I II III 50x200 X4 2013 Exposes Sur Lille Art Up Fev