"Through the works of M.G. Masson, a search for the depths is outlined. The explosion of forms, in its nebulous magma, becomes a subterranean vision of the body, where the body fades like a memory, or a fantasy, towards what has preceded it

The living scrutinizes what is dead and the inert imagines the living, proposes to us to reinvent it, to remodel its carnal envelope and what haunts it. What haunts it, that is to say the cryptic energy that opens the image, through cracks and cavities (stigmata); it makes it a coding that like the fractal of the rock, has forgotten its message.

The caving of memory. Remembering what comes from the depths. But what exactly? Perhaps what language keeps silent but which the psalms cry out when the roots do not whisper the echo. It would be the dream of the underneath, black and white, in negative.

To bet that what seems to be asleep in the abyss is also what inflames our veins, impalpable but very alert.

Hannibal Volkoff, artistic director of Hors-Champs gallery, about Muriel Gonzalez Masson

« Black pulls us right back to the foundation, to the origin. The basis of deep feelings. From the night comes the unexplained, the undetailed, the unattached to visible causes, the surprise attack, the mystery, the religious, the fear ... and the monsters, that which comes out of nothingness, not from a mother."

Henri Michaux

Exposition De Profundis Galerie Hors Champs 2014
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